The Two American Tribes

The current Old Albert penned this discouraging monologue over 2 years ago. We fear that he still believes he was and is right about the state of affairs in this land. He still says that he is a disillusioned old American soldier with grave concerns for the futures of his children and especially his grandchildren.

“Pared down to the essentials, it appears to me that we have a once-great country–founded on individual freedom, a workable form of ‘real-world’ democracy, and the preservation of those precious inalienable rights–in which a significant number of its citizens no longer care to live by the founding principles. We have evolved into a one-party political system: the Republocrats. As a nation, we are fat, physically and mentally weak–lacking in integrity, honor, honesty, respect, pride, and initiative. We are the results of several generations of misguided thought and action for which a corrupting, bloated federal government has acted as both catalyst and enabler—dangling the carrot to the gullible “new” Americans: plenty-for-all and no-work-required. For years, we have been spoon fed destructive ideologies by the “new” priesthood–Hollywood and the big network media (now fully controlled by the government, true propaganda, the kind we used to laugh at the poor, ignorant Soviets for having)–to the point that the “new” Americans and the children of the old America know no different. To use another familiar Cold War term, they have been ‘brainwashed’. The truth has been hidden from them.”

“By “new” Americans, I mean those who have no roots in the founding principles, no knowledge of our history, could care less about the thousands before them who died so that they could live comfortably, are poorly educated, have no skills for the market place–nothing to offer–and are content in that lamentable situation. All this brand of Americans want is a federal government that is big enough to “take care” of them. To suckle at the big teat. An impossible dream–but they do not know this, and their government will not tell them (yes, Virginia, it’s been proven again and again that socialism only works on paper).”

“And, as with every nation that ever existed on the earth, the U.S. federal government has decayed into nothing more than a haven for the spoiled sons of the rich who are too stupid to work for a living, the dime-a-dozen lawyers for which there are no real jobs, the minorities and nepotistic spouses and brothers-in-law of wealthy contributors who are all hopelessly unprepared and incapable of performing any useful function, and, maybe worst of all, the power-hungry egoists for whom a vote is life itself–the professional politician who routinely spits in the face of her loyal constituency and considers herself above the laws for the common folk as she does whatever she needs to do to preserve her do-nothing position and ill-gotten fortune.”

“And, both the federal government and its dependent population of “new” Americans are growing exponentially in number. Naturally so, since one must have the other to exist–though this existence will logically be short-lived as one must consume the other.”

“So, now we have two citizen-tribes in this country; really two different nations surrounded by one porous non-border: the Independents and the Sucklings—who can’t possibly co-exist peacefully for very long. Ay, there’s the rub. We all know how humans behave, don’t we? So, we know that this age-old problem will resolve itself one way or another just as it always has in other places and times. Which is why I’m so concerned about the nature of the USA that my children and grandchildren will inherit.”

“Taking the pessimistic viewpoint, maybe it’s all a matter of physics. If so, it is still unbearably painful to stand by and watch everything yield to entropy. A tragic waste of a beautiful promise.”

“Hopefully someone smarter than me has a more optimistic viewpoint and will someday convince me that I am wrong.”

Yours Most Sincerely,
Old Albert