Welcome To Our Past
The Middle Fork Baker Family History website is always being updated as new information becomes available. You will see some older content replaced with more accurate versions from time to time. And you may see older content deleted entirely. Please bear with me. I guess it follows that genealogy websites are never really finished!
If you have information you think belongs on this website or that might help us extend our known lineage further back in history, please email me here.
• New autosomal DNA test results from Ancestry.com!
• And recently-discovered information about my 5th Great Uncle Boling Baker and his Indian princess wife and 6 children. It’s a beautiful story, but it may just be just that—an example of American folklore and myth at its finest. Why? In spite of it all being an annual celebration for the entire town of Logan, WV, I haven’t yet found any proof that it happened. See the links on this page and decide for yourself.
Thank you for your interest in this website!
Bill Baker, researcher and webmaster