
Family Ancestry

Choose one of the “drop-down” items under the Genealogy heading in the menu at the top of the website for documents relating to our Baker family ancestry. We have presented a few versions here that were provided by different members of the family. We did this so that you might examine them all for possible connections to your own family tree. The ancestry of the authors of this site is under the first menu item, “Family Ancestry”.

Historical Narratives

Kentucky statehood stampThe historical narratives presented were also contributed by different family members. We can not be sure of the extent of their accuracy–especially regarding specific incidents and details of those incidents. So be aware that the narratives are not documented and are very much typical of the oral traditions passed down through generations by cultures all over the world. Sometimes the spirit of the tale was of more value than the facts.

tumblerThese stories were most likely written in the style of the modern “historical novel”—that is, they are based on documented facts, but embellished with logical assumptions and sprinkled throughout with purely speculative details. Could these speculations be true? Yes, some could, since most are logical and therefore possible. Then, can we consider them to be history and stand behind them as such? Absolutely not! We only include them here so that you may study them for what they are.

If you are able to correct any part of the narratives or the genealogical listings given, please contact us with your information. We will place notations with your corrections on the website.

Thank you for looking!